研究 Research

桑野研究室では、土や地盤の挙動を、詳細な実験・観察により調べています。個別要素法を用いた、数値解析手法にも取り組んでいます。 Ground and soil behaviour is investigated through advanced laboratory experiments and discrete element method (DEM) simulations.


Mechanical properties of geomaterials

  • 地盤材料の室内試験の高度化 Laboratory testing technique
  • 地盤材料(砂、礫、風化岩、改良土等)の変形強度特性の解明 Deformation and strength characteristics of various geomaterials, such as sand, gravel, weathered rock, improved soil and etc.


Maintenance and sustainability of ground and earth structures

  • 地盤内空洞・ゆるみの発生・進展メカニズムの解明 Study for prevention of ground cave in
  • 地中構造物および土構造物の長期挙動 Long term bahaviour of underground and earth structures
  • 地中埋設管の合理的維持管理および更新 Maintenance and rehabilitation of buried pipe
  • 土構造物への繰返し浸透の力学特性への影響 Effects of repeated infiltration on mechanical properties of earth structures
  • 内部侵食のメカニズム の解明 Study on the mechanism of internal erosion


New topics

  • 土壌微生物の代謝を利用した地盤固化手法の開発 Microbially induced cementation in soil
  • メタンハイドレード掘削における出砂現象の解明 Fine Particle Erosion in Mining of Methane Hydrate


Previous research projects